‘주소동일성 영문증명서‘ 예시 보기

주소동일성 영문증명서 예시


411, Hannuri-daero, Sejong-si, Republic of Korea Tel: 82-44-205-3555, Fax: 82-44-205-8962 No. of Certificate:2017-0000 Date: 2017/00/00

To : RNIC Co., Ltd.

Official Confirmation Proving that Old and New Addresses are Identical

In order to make it easier for foreigners and Korean residents to find locations, the Republic of Korea has reformed address and postal code systems. Because of this, there are some cases where old address and current addresses are differently expressed though they indicate the same place. We confirm that the old address (old postal code) and the current address (current postal code) below are identical.

주소동일성 영문증명서 작성 예시
Party Name(corporate name) RNIC Co., Ltd.
Business registration number 000-00-00000
Address Old Address1 539, Eojin-dong, Sejong-si, Republic of Korea
Old Address2
Current Address 411, Hannuri-daero, Sejong-si, Republic of Korea
Old Postal Code 339-012
Current Postal Code 03116

*This document shall not be used for any purpose other than for confirmation proving that the old and new addresses are identical.

Do, Ro-myung
Director of Address Policy Division
Ministry of the Interior and Safety

Ministry of the Interior and Safety of the Republic of Korea http://www.juso.go.kr